Results for 'Nilma Lino Gomes'

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  1.  21
    Do poder disciplinar ao biopoder à necropolítica: A criança negra em busca de Uma inf'ncia descolonizada.Nilma Lino Gomes & Cristina Teodoro - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-31.
    The article discusses how the emergence of the term "minor" in Brazilian society, from the mid-nineteenth century, forged mainly by the practice of legal and medical discourse, outlined a path of institutionalization for poor children; first, in the post-abolition period of enslavement until the thirties of the last century and, later, until the period of democratization of Brazil, considering the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of 1988. The analysis for the proposed periods was based on the concept of disciplinary power (...)
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    Branquitude, racismo e sexismo em docências realizadas por mulheres negras no ensino de história.Carla Beatriz Meinerz, Priscila de Souza Santos & Priscila Nunes Pereira - 2021 - Odeere 6 (1):109-137.
    Objetiva-se no texto analisar o ensino de história na formação inicial e continuada, através do estágio docente obrigatório em espaços escolares, tematizando o racismo institucional e o sexismo. O conceito de racismo institucional será interseccionado com o de sexismo, pois a análise destaca fenômenos observados com jovens estudantes negras, licenciandas do Curso de História da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Sob a perspectiva da abordagem qualitativa, consideram-se as práticas pedagógicas, construídas em processos de ensino e pesquisa, desenvolvidas a (...)
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    Um prólogo histórico-crítico depois de vinte anos: concepções pedagógicas e epistemológicas de movimento negro educador.Pedro Vinícius Castro Magalhães do Amparo & Hélio da Silva Messeder Neto - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):203-222.
    O objetivo desta pesquisa teórica é problematizar as concepções de educação, conhecimento e produção de conhecimento que compartilhamos no movimento negro a partir da descrição que encontramos delas na obra “O movimento negro educador”, de Nilma Lino Gomes. A obra foi escolhida como objeto de estudo pela penetração no campo e pelo objetivo de pensar o papel do movimento negro no desenvolvimento da compreensão sobre raça e racismo no Brasil, seja no âmbito mais geral, seja na educação (...)
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    A contribuição da literatura infantil no processo de construção da identidade étnico-racial na educação infantil.Denise Carvalho Dos Santos, Soraya Mendes Rodrigues Adorno & Izanete Marques Souza - 2021 - Odeere 6 (2):280-296.
    Este trabalho objetiva analisar a contribuição da literatura infantil no processo de construção da identidade étnico-racial na educação infantil e discutir as representações de crianças negras nas histórias infantis. Pretendeu-se também discutir a importância de se trabalhar literatura com temáticas voltadas às relações étnico-raciais na educação infantil. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise cultural das obras literárias infantis “Betina” e “Makeba vai à escola” a partir da revisão bibliográfica de autoras negras, como: Nilma Lino Gomes e Ana (...)
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    Resenhas v. 3 n. 6.Aurino José Góis, João Carlos Lino Gomes & Flávio Senra - 2005 - Horizonte 3 (6):141-152.
    BERGER, P. L.; LUCKMANN, T. Modernidade, pluralismo e crise de sentido ; a orientação do homem moderno Aurino José Góis RIBEIRO, Renato Janine. A república . RIBEIRO, Renato Janine. A democracia . João Carlos Lino Gomes SUNG, Jung Mo. Sementes de esperança. A fé em um mundo em crise. Flávio Senra.
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  6. Zoneamento de áreas susceptíveis a ocorrência de escorregamentos na bacia do Rio paraibuna–mg/rj.Rosana Lino de Faria, Deborah Cristina Gomes de Oliveira & Ricardo Tavares Zaidan - forthcoming - Principia.
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    “Love Is What Love Does” - Stories of Representation and Belonging in Hair Love, by Matthew A. Cherry.Milena Magalhães & Rosana Nunes Alencar - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e64231p.
    RESUMO Este texto reflete sobre a representatividade do cabelo crespo como elemento de pertencimento racial na literatura infantil, ancorando-se no livro Amor de cabelo, do diretor, produtor e escritor negro norte-americano Matthew A. Cherry. Para tanto, investiga como as imagens da ilustradora Vashti Harrison, também uma norte-americana negra, comungam com o texto para expressarem uma visão da pessoa negra e de seu núcleo familiar sem os estereótipos usuais. Cotejando a noção de amor de bell hooks, esta análise empreende uma leitura (...)
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    “O amor é o que o amor faz” - histórias de representatividade e pertencimento em Amor de cabelo, de Matthew A. Cherry.Milena Magalhães & Rosana Nunes Alencar - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e64231p.
    ABSTRACT This text reflects on the representativeness of the kinky hair (or afro-textured hair) as an element of racial belonging in children’s literature, based on the book Hair Love, by the African American director, producer, and writer Matthew A. Cherry. To do so, it investigates how the illustrations by Vashti Harrison, also an African American, align with the text to express a vision of black individuals and of their family without usual stereotypes. Drawing on bell hooks’ notion of love, this (...)
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    family counselling in India.Lino Koshyop - 2003 - In Derek Hill & Caroline Jones (eds.), Forms of ethical thinking in therapeutic practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press. pp. 88.
  10. Produção de narrativa e autoria.Neiva Maria Tebaldi Gomes - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2).
    Resumo Palavras-chave Keywords : Narrative production. Authorship. Language. Memory. Identity. : This article comprises a detailed report on a project of narrative production, which is being conducted, every semester, with students entering the Languages course, on the Portuguese Language subject.The project consists of a process of production, reading, and rewriting of small narratives, which, at the end of the term, are gathered and organized by each student in order to assemble their own book craftily. The proposal came forth as a (...)
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  11. Crónica del Congreso.Lino Temperini - 2007 - Verdad y Vida 65 (250):567-570.
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    L’impératif de l’indicatif.Pedro Valinho Gomes - 2021 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 152 (4):395-413.
    Cet article propose un itinéraire de réflexion sur les fondements de l’éthique théologique en articulant trois contributions de Karl Barth à ce domaine : la définition de l’éthique comme l’impératif de l’indicatif qu’est la dogmatique, voire l’inséparabilité entre éthique et dogmatique qui place l’éthique à l’écoute de la révélation ; l’articulation d’un nexus christologique entre les catégories d’obéissance et de liberté comme « autodétermination déterminée » ; le débat sur l’Évangile et la Loi, comme révélation de l’histoire de la grâce (...)
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  13. The (Un)bearable Educational Lightness of Common Practices: On the Use of Urban Spaces by Schoolchildren.Elisabete Xavier Gomes - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (3):289-302.
    The present paper is about the author’s current research on children’s education in urban contexts. It departs from the rising offer of programmes for school children in out-of-school contexts (e.g. museums, libraries, science centres). It asks what makes these practices educational (and not just interesting, entertaining and/or audience building). Based on Biesta ( 2006a , 2010 ) theory of education, the author frames and analyses the educational characteristics of, and possibilities of articulating, in and out-of-school educational practices. This paper aims (...)
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  14. Holism as the empirical significance of symmetries.Henrique Gomes - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-41.
    Not all symmetries are on a par. For instance, within Newtonian mechanics, we seem to have a good grasp on the empirical significance of boosts, by applying it to subsystems. This is exemplified by the thought experiment known as Galileo’s ship: the inertial state of motion of a ship is immaterial to how events unfold in the cabin, but is registered in the values of relational quantities such as the distance and velocity of the ship relative to the shore. But (...)
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  15. Towards the emergence of meaning processes in computers from Peircean semiotics.Antônio Gomes, Ricardo Gudwin, Charbel Niño El-Hani & João Queiroz - 2007 - Mind and Society 6 (2):173-187.
    In this work, we propose a computational approach to the triadic model of Peircean semiosis (meaning processes). We investigate theoretical constraints about the feasibility of simulated semiosis. These constraints, which are basic requirements for the simulation of semiosis, refer to the synthesis of irreducible triadic relations (Sign–Object–Interpretant). We examine the internal organization of the triad S–O–I, that is, the relative position of its elements and how they relate to each other. We also suggest a multi-level approach based on self-organization principles. (...)
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  16. Kant on Perception: Naive Realism, Non-Conceptualism, and the B-Deduction.Anil Gomes - 2014 - Philosophical Quarterly 64 (254):1-19.
    According to non-conceptualist interpretations, Kant held that the application of concepts is not necessary for perceptual experience. Some have motivated non-conceptualism by noting the affinities between Kant's account of perception and contemporary relational theories of perception. In this paper I argue (i) that non-conceptualism cannot provide an account of the Transcendental Deduction and thus ought to be rejected; and (ii) that this has no bearing on the issue of whether Kant endorsed a relational account of perceptual experience.
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    From Poetics to Metapoetics: Architecture Towards Architecture.Lino Bianco - 2018 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):103-114.
    An undiscovered chapter in the history of architecture comes from the ex-Soviet Republic of Georgia. Poetics of Architecture is the name given to the studioworkshop at the Georgian Technical University set up by the Georgian architect Shota Bostanashvili (1948–2013). From 1990 until his death he delivered insightful, playful and rather provocative lectures on architecture at this university. He preferred to call his architectural philosophy, critical discourse on architecture. Themes ranged from poetics to metapoetics of architecture. His philosophy of architecture is (...)
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    'The Invisible Reality Show': Performative intervention and the production of the contemporary space.Fernanda Gomes - 2011 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 2 (2):267-278.
    The performance intentions that interfene into public spaces− ‘site-specific performances' – can raise several issues, and this article will debate some of them. From artistic, sociological, cultural and geographic perspectives, urban interventions and performances take place in the artistic scenario and in the development of contemporary space. This article starts with the experience of the Danish group 'Udflugt', that has been in Rio de Janeiro presenting the methodologies and processes which arose after the birth of the concept of 'The Invisible (...)
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  19. Judicial Hubris and the Constitutional Revolution.Lino A. Graglia - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1999 (114):181-186.
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    Restrictions on judicial election campaign speech: Silencing criticism of liberal activism.Lino A. Graglia - 2004 - Social Philosophy and Policy 21 (2):148-176.
    Constitutional law in the United States is, for most practical purposes, the product of ‘judicial review’, the power of judges to disallow policy choices made by other officials or institutions of government, ostensibly because those choices are prohibited by the Constitution. This extraordinary and unprecedented power, America's dubious contribution to the science of government, has made American judges the most powerful in the world, not only legislators but super-legislators, legislators with virtually the last word. Because lawmaking power divorced from popular (...)
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    Albert Venn Dicey and the Constitutional Theory of Empire.Dylan Lino - 2016 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 36 (4):751-780.
    In the post-1945 world, constitutionalism has transcended the nation state, with an array of transnational arrangements now manifesting constitutional characteristics—so says a growing number of scholars. This article reveals an earlier but largely forgotten discourse of transnational constitutionalism: the constitutional theory of the British Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Focusing on the work of Albert Venn Dicey, the article shows that, when the Empire was at the height of its power and prestige, British constitutional scholars came (...)
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    For a Theory that is Both Critical and Mathematical: Handelman, Matthew, The Mathematical Imagination: On the Origins and Promise of Critical Theory.Jessie Joshua Lino & Esmeralda Manlulu - 2021 - Kritike 15 (2):126-146.
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    On the Authority of Science Over Ideology in Louis Althusser: Towards Rancière’s Rupture Epistémologique.Jessie Joshua Z. Lino - 2022 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):320-340.
    This paper provides a discussion of Jacques Rancière’s former teacher at École Normale Supérieure, then famous for fashioning Marxism with the philosophical gauge of structuralism, Louis Althusser. Perhaps a brief discussion on the relation between the two would render context to the origins of Rancière's philosophico-political praxis, specifically the humble beginnings of conceptualizing an egalitarian method out of his philosophical rupture with Althusserianism. Meanwhile, to reduce the philosophical enterprise of Althusser into its practical shortcomings and silence during the revolutionary events (...)
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    Die handschriftensammlung Des klosters zavorda und die neuaufgefundene photios-handschrift.Linos Politis - 1961 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 105 (1-2):136-144.
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  25. «Civitas communis» la cittadinanza democratica.Lino Prenna - 2008 - Studium 104 (1):15-27.
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  26. Dall'essere all'uomo: antropologia dell'educazione nel pensiero rosminiano.Lino Prenna - 1979 - Roma: Città nuova.
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  27. Razón/Razones.Lino San Juan Tamayo - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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  28. Espiritualidad penitencial franciscana en las fuentes del siglo XIII sobre santa Isabel.Lino Temperini - 2007 - Verdad y Vida 65 (250):699-775.
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  29. Naïve Realism in Kantian Phrase.Anil Gomes - 2017 - Mind 126 (502):529-578.
    Early twentieth-century philosophers of perception presented their naïve realist views of perceptual experience in anti-Kantian terms. For they took naïve realism about perceptual experience to be incompatible with Kant’s claims about the way the understanding is necessarily involved in perceptual consciousness. This essay seeks to situate a naïve realist account of visual experience within a recognisably Kantian framework by arguing that a naïve realist account of visual experience is compatible with the claim that the understanding is necessarily involved in the (...)
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    Back to Parmenides.Henrique Gomes - unknown
    After a brief introduction to issues that plague the realization of a theory of quantum gravity, I suggest that the main one concerns defining superpositions of causal structures. This leads me to a distinction between time and space, to a further degree than that present in the canonical approach to general relativity. With this distinction, one can make sense of superpositions as interference between alternative paths in the relational configuration space of the entire Universe. But the full use of relationalism (...)
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  31. Is Kant’s transcendental deduction of the categories fit for purpose?Anil Gomes - 2010 - Kantian Review 15 (2):118-137.
    James Van Cleve has argued that Kant’s Transcendental Deduction of the categories shows, at most, that we must apply the categories to experience. And this falls short of Kant’s aim, which is to show that they must so apply. In this discussion I argue that once we have noted the differences between the first and second editions of the Deduction, this objection is less telling. But Van Cleve’s objection can help illuminate the structure of the B Deduction, and it suggests (...)
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    Aristotle’s Theory of Deduction and Paraconsistency.Evandro Luís Gomes & Itala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano - 2010 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 14 (1):71–97.
    In the Organon Aristotle describes some deductive schemata in which inconsistencies do not entail the trivialization of the logical theory involved. This thesis is corroborated by three different theoretical topics by him discussed, which are presented in this paper. We analyse inference schema used by Aristotle in the Protrepticus and the method of indirect demonstration for categorical syllogisms. Both methods exemplify as Aristotle employs classical reductio ad absurdum strategies. Following, we discuss valid syllogisms from opposite premises (contrary and contradictory) studied (...)
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  33. On the Necessity of the Categories.Anil Gomes, Andrew Stephenson & Adrian Moore - 2022 - Philosophical Review 131 (2):129–168.
    For Kant, the human cognitive faculty has two sub-faculties: sensibility and the understanding. Each has pure forms which are necessary to us as humans: space and time for sensibility; the categories for the understanding. But Kant is careful to leave open the possibility of there being creatures like us, with both sensibility and understanding, who nevertheless have different pure forms of sensibility. They would be finite rational beings and discursive cognizers. But they would not be human. And this raises a (...)
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  34. More dead than dead? Attributing mentality to vegetative state patients.Anil Gomes, Matthew Parrott & Joshua Shepherd - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (1):84-95.
    In a recent paper, Gray, Knickman, and Wegner present three experiments which they take to show that people perceive patients in a persistent vegetative state to have less mentality than the dead. Following on from Gomes and Parrott, we provide evidence to show that participants' responses in the initial experiments are an artifact of the questions posed. Results from two experiments show that, once the questions have been clarified, people do not ascribe more mental capacity to the dead than (...)
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    La naturaleza no existe: conservacionismos y relaciones internacionales en Doñana.Lino Camprubí - 2016 - Arbor 192 (781):344.
    Tras descartar el acercamiento metodológico a la historia de Doñana como un paso hacia la “conservación de la Naturaleza” con mayúscula, este artículo sitúa la historia del Parque en los contextos políticos, personales y científicos que lo hicieron posible. Estos contextos nos colocan en la escala internacional del desmantelamiento del imperio británico y de la transformación de la ornitología y la ecología como disciplinas. Las rutas migratorias de las aves de Doñana contribuyeron a la dimensión internacional en la que se (...)
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  36. Iris Murdoch: Moral Vision.Anil Gomes - 2022 - In Silvia Caprioglio Panizza & Mark Hopwood (eds.), The Murdochian Mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
    In the essays which make up The Sovereignty of Good, Iris Murdoch gives us a picture of moral life in which ‘the metaphor of vision [is] almost irresistibly suggested’. This chapter aims to clarify the role played by the metaphor of vision in Murdoch’s philosophical thinking. I’ll examine two different things which might be meant by the term ‘moral vision’: vision of moral things or vision which is itself moral. The suggestion will be that whilst both capture something important about (...)
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    Grundbibliographie zum Aristoteles- Studium in Byzanz.Linos G. Benakis - 1985 - In Vivian Nutton, Jutta Kolesh, H. J. Lulofs & Jürgen Wiesner (eds.), Kommentierung, Überlieferung, Nachleben. De Gruyter. pp. 352-379.
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  38. On the Particularity of Experience.Anil Gomes & Craig French - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (2):451-460.
    Phenomenal particularism is the view that particular external objects are sometimes part of the phenomenal character of perceptual experience. It is a central part of naïve realist or relational views of perception. We consider a series of recent objections to phenomenal particularism and argue that naïve realism has the resources to block them. In particular, we show that these objections rest on assumptions about the nature of phenomenal character that the naïve realist will reject, and that they ignore the full (...)
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    (1 other version)The Aristotelian ethics in Byzantium.Linos G. Benakis - 2009 - In Charles Barber & David Jenkins (eds.), Medieval Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics. Boston: Brill. pp. 101--63.
  40. Princípio da complementaridade recursal após decisão dos embargos de declaração: Garantia do contraditório em oposição à preclusão consumativa.Illana Cristina Dantas Gomes & Wherlla Raissa Pereira do Amaral - 2013 - Revista Fides 4 (2):281-295.
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    La teoría institucional del derecho.Lino Rodríguez-Arias Bustamante - 1972 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 12 (1):37-64.
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    Experiencing deep and global currents at a ‘Prototypical Strait’, 1870s and 1980s.Lino Camprubí - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 70:6-17.
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  43. La campaña de Carlos fuentes.Lino GarcíaJr - 2005 - Humanitas 32:317.
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    Preferences and Compliance with International Law.Katerina Linos & Adam Chilton - 2021 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 22 (2):247-298.
    International law lacks many of the standard features of domestic law. There are few legislative or judicial bodies with exclusive authority over particular jurisdictions or subject matters, the subjects regulated by international law typically must affirmatively consent to be bound by it, and supranational authorities with the power to coerce states to comply with international obligations are rare. How can a legal system with these features generate changes in state behavior? For many theories, the ability of international law to inform (...)
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    Il problema della religione nel «journal de voyage» di Montaigne.Lino Pertile - 1971 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 33 (1):79-100.
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    Byzantine Interest in the Philosophy of Nature.Linos G. Benakis - 2015 - Philosophical Inquiry 39 (1):217-221.
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  47. Speranza cristiana e cura del mondo.Lino Prenna - 2009 - Studium 105 (4):483-491.
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  48. Un ethos comune per l'Europa.Lino Prenna - 2002 - Studium 98 (6):833-838.
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    Gibt es eine unengagierte Philosophie?Lino Veljak - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (4):707-713.
    Hier wird die folgende Frage gestellt: gibt es überhaupt irgendeine unengagierte Philosophie? Nämlich, jede Philosophie, die überhaupt als echte Philosophie bewertbar ist, und nicht etwa als Ideologie, Dophistik oder Schwindel, sollte als Denken, das der Wahrheit treu bleibt, beschrieben werden, d. h. als eine im Dienst der Wahrheit engagierte Philosophie. Dagegen, diejenige Philosophie, die im Dienst einer weltlicher oder jenseitiger Macht antritt, darf man keineswegs als eine Philosophie bewerten. Doch, es wird noch eine Frage gestellt: Wäre es erlaubt, eine Parallele (...)
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    Ibn Haldun i Vico. O mediteranskom utemeljenju cikličkog poimanja povijesti.Lino Veljak - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):719-724.
    U ovom radu razmatraju se i uspoređuju koncepcije filozofije povijesti što su ih razvili Ibn Haldun i Vico. Dvojica utemeljitelja filozofije povijesti živjeli su i poučavali na dvije mediteranske obale. Pitanje na koje se pokušava dati odgovor odnosi se na narav odnosa između Ibn Haldunove i Vicove mediteranske provenijencije i njihovih cikličkih filozofijskih teorija povijesti.In diesem Aufsatz werden die geschichtsphilosophischen Konzeptionen von Ibn Chaldun und Vico nachgedacht und kompariert. Diese Begründer der Geschichtsphilosophie lebten und lehrten auf zwei gegenüberstehenden mediterranischen Küsten. (...)
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